Kenny Hilderbrandt

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I was born and raised in Long Island, New York. Surrounded by water, I became passionate about boating and worked at boatyards during the summers. While in college, I studied business management and took some computer programming courses. In the summers, I would work weekends in Montauk, a touristy area on Long Island. There, I worked at a boat rental facility repairing boats and helped with their charter business as a mate.
After college, I worked at my father's automobile engine remanufacturing business, rebuilding and installing car engines. My father purchased a marina and moved our engine remanufacturing business into one of the buildings on that property. I was more interested in the boat business and ran that side. I started renting and chartering boats from the marina and needed a website. The internet was brand new then, and I needed a domain name; luckily, domain names were readily available then, and I purchased as many as I could. I purchased and used that domain name for my local boat rental business website. I started to get emails requesting boat rentals outside my area and, funny enough, outside this country. That is when I decided to build a directory for anyone who wanted to rent a boat.

March 27, 2024

Bareboat Charters: What You Probably Don't Know Featuring Kenny Hilde…

Join Greg and Kevin as they deep dive into the history and laws surrounding bareboat charters with Kenny Hilderbrandt of [SPONSORS] - This show is sponsored by AAMP Agency , Take My Boat Test , and WaveRez . Sh...

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