Nic Algretto

Nic Algretto Profile Photo

Founder Scooter Brother, FWB City Councilman

Dec. 6, 2023

Navigating the Intersection of Business, Politics, and People with Nic Allegretto - Episode #134

In this episode, the guys welcome back Nic Allegretto back to the podcast. Join them as they delve into their encounters with social and political matters in their businesses. Nic shares his insights on these issues, drawing ...
Guest: Nic Algretto
Dec. 30, 2021

Local Government & Watersports - An Interview with Councilman & Entrepreneur Nic Algretto

Kevin & Greg interview Fort Walton Beach City Councilman Nic Algretto. The guys talk about local politics, entrepreneurship, working with the city, and being a good steward of the community. There are also some great laughs a...
Guest: Nic Algretto