Marketing Your Business When Demand Is High with Marica Brewster of Von Mack Agency - Episode #70

Marica Brewster from the Von Mack Agency joins the AWG guys for a chat about marketing when demand for rentals/tours is at its peak! Should you reduce your ad spend, keep it the same, or increase?
[SPONSOR] - This show is sponsored by the Von Mack Agency. Check out their digital marketing services at
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Marica Brewster
CEO, Von Mack Agency
Marica Mackenroth Brewster is an award-winning marketer who excels at helping tourism businesses grow. As founder and CEO of The Von Mack Agency, her work in creating a woman-led, USA based marketing agency to serve travel niches worldwide set off headlines in Yahoo Business and Travel Daily News. Brewster's disruptive 19 years in industry includes posts as founder of the #TourismStrong volunteer collective, time as CEO USA of Tomahawk Tourism, and designation in New Orleans City Business’s “Women of the Year” award class. She can be found speaking by invitation as an Arival Expert, to classes at Tulane University, UNO, and Tripschool, and partnering on bespoke workshops for the Louisiana Travel Association and the Mississippi Gulf Coast Attractions Association.