Marketing Shows

Jan. 7, 2021

West Coast Update, Groupon, Marketing & More with Paul Bulka Jr. of A…

Paul Bulka Jr. of Aquatic Aviation and Bulka Media joins the AWG to discuss the state of watersports on the West Coast (USA). They also discuss their experience with Groupon and share their thoughts about digital marketing.

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Dec. 10, 2020

Digital Hacks & Cool Tips For Running Your Tour Business With YourBik…

Ryan Turner from joins us to talk about some of the cool hacks he has for growing his business.

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Nov. 24, 2020

How To Choose A Domain Name

Kevin & Greg dive into the topic of domain names, and why you need to be creative when choosing one for your business. Greg also shares a story about how he nearly got sued by Facebook, and what he learned from it.

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Nov. 12, 2020

The Growing Pains Of Expanding & Merging Two Businesses With Chris Wo…

Chris Woodruff gets Awkward as he discusses the growing pains of acquiring Vero Beach Bait & Tackle, and how he plans to integrate with his existing business, Paddles By The Sea.

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Oct. 27, 2020

What We Can Learn From Vacation Rentals - An Interview with CMO Alex …

Alex Husner of Condo-World get Awkward and shares with us what watersports can learn from the vacation rental industry. She also shares a couple great stories from the Summer.

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Sept. 21, 2020

How We Think About Paid & Organic Search

Kevin & Greg have a candid conversation about their experiences with paid and organic search concepts. They breakdown how much of an operators budget should be allocated for paid ads, and how to tackle organic search marketin...

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Aug. 28, 2020

Don't Feed The Bears (Responding To Negative Reviews)

Kevin and Greg share their stories on reviews, and several best practices to make sure you're a master at responding to reviews! Greg's Review Tips Never respond to a review when emotional. Allow some time before responding t...

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July 17, 2020

Let's Talk About TripAdvisor

Greg and Kevin have a spirited debate about TripAdvisor. Kevin loses his cool when it comes to TripAdvisor's pricing policies. Greg explains how best to use TripAdvisor in today's business environment.

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July 10, 2020

Brand Vs. Commodity Business

This episode includes a deep dive into what a commodity or brand business means. Greg and Kevin tell a little bit about themselves and why they wanted to start a watersports podcast.

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